Monday, July 2, 2018

Friday the 13th of July 2018 - Into the windy capital I go...

With camera in hand, I'll be riding as many buses as I can, before contracts change.

I Haven't actually ridden any GO Wellington bus from memory. Combine that with no knowledge of the routes, this day will be interesting. A lot of planning will be required just so I can get back to the damn train station!

This will most likely be the last time I'll be able to ride a MAN 11.190 (Unless I head to Auckland, even then it's not guaranteed I'll find one). Whilst I had planned for my trip to Upper Hutt to be the last time to ride one of those troopers, I still miss seeing them around, with musical ZF gearboxes and loud engines, wearing purple and orange...

I'll have to admit, being a Nui boy born and bred, I never really appreciated GO Wellington, as they never served any lines I took, so that's why I can appear to hold VF to a higher tier than GW (Everyone ought to know what the acronyms are right?)

With that said, I'll be looking forward to the experience!