Friday, July 6, 2018

The beginning of the end for Snapper on the Airport Flyer?

This is most likely the beginning of the end for Snapper.

I received an email from Snapper (Twice actually) with the subject "Changes here, there and everywhere"

I read the email and saw the usual gibberish. Bus route changes. Fares going up etc etc.

Then I got to a section and had to pause for a second...

"Catch the 80,90,91,92 or 93? Snapper will be unavailable from 30th September.

Snapper will no longer be available on some independent commercial services, including NZ Bus, from 30th September."
I understand that commercial operators such as NZCS (Who run the Wainuiomata, Stokes Valley and Upper Hutt Express buses) don't want to put them in or maybe they can't afford it. That's up to them.

But the Airport Flyer? People probably use that to get to and from work or the airport. It's had Snapper in it since 2009. Removing it will only make people hate the public transport system even more. (Yes, I know that the Airport Flyer is a commercial service, but all the hate and frustration is still vented by unknowing people at Metlink, when it's not their fault.)

So I emailed NZ Bus, and voila, third times the charm! Unlike my previous two emails about photographing the fleet, I actually got a response this time:

I first sent:

Good Afternoon NZ Bus.

I've received an email from Snapper informing me that after the 30th of September, Snapper will no longer be able to be used on the Airport Flyer buses (among other commercial routes as well). I also checked on Metlink's website and it reports the same thing

I would like to know the reasoning behind the planned removal of Snapper from these buses. Is this because Metlink has some form of contract with Snapper to provide ticketing services, and they have chosen not to allow commercial routes to use this fare payment method?

If so, I am disappointed in Metlink's decision to do so, as this will only frustrate commuters more, especially those who use the Airport flyer buses to get to and from their work or the airport.

I look forward to hearing from you soon,


I recieved the following reply:

Snapper is the interim bus ticketing provider for the Metlink network.  The Airport Flyer is not part of the Metlink network and Snapper has advised NZ Bus that it will not continue to support the Snapper system currently used on the Airport Flyer beyond 30 September 2018.  NZ Bus is currently investigating alternative payment options and will advise customers once the decision has been made.


NZ Bus

I guess that Metlink has a contract with Snapper to provide ticketing services, and now the tenders have been completed, Snapper will not provide its systems to NZ Bus to use on the Airport Flyer.

One hopes that, as NZ Bus says, alternative payment options are being investigated, that snapper is one of those alternative payment options.

If you want to view the email sent by Snapper, you can click the following link to view the email in your web browser